About us

Jordanian pulse academy for Occupational Safety & Health

The Jordanian Pulse Academy for Occupational Safety and Health was established in 2013 with the aim of training, developing and qualifying the local and regional community in the fields of safety, occupational health and the environment.
Jordan Pulse Academy is a pioneering academy in the field of training, qualification and employment at the local and regional levels in the field of occupational safety and health and various different fields. (4500+) trainees have been trained in the occupational safety and health supervisors course approved by the Jordanian Ministry of Labor / Vocational and Technical Skills Development Authority. The success rate was achieved in the examination for a license to practice the profession (97%), which was held by the Vocational and Technical Skills Development Authority. In addition to issuing more than (1,300+) training diploma certificates in the field of occupational safety and health in cooperation with Jordanian universities/Jordanian higher education, in addition to more than (2,700+) trainees in the details of occupational safety and health.

Our courses

نحن نقدم الأفضل

استشارات التصنيع

هناك حقيقة مثبتة منذ زمن طويل وهي أن المحتوى المقروء لصفحة ما سيلهي القارئ عن التركيز على الشكل الخارجي للنص
أو شكل توضع الفقرات في الصفحة التي يقرأه

Academy branches


Amman, Irbid, Karak, Aqaba, Zarqa, Tafila, Ma'an



500+Grants provided by Jordan Pulse
4500Medical graduates, occupational safety and health supervisors
1300+Training diplomas
تحتاج المصانع إلى معدات عالية التقنية مثل الأدوات الميكانيكية.  
مصانع الطاقة
و الطاقة
تحتاج المصانع إلى معدات عالية التقنية مثل الأدوات الميكانيكية.  
البناء و
تحتاج المصانع إلى معدات عالية التقنية مثل الأدوات الميكانيكية.  
آلات البناء
تحتاج المصانع إلى معدات عالية التقنية مثل الأدوات الميكانيكية.  
تحتاج المصانع إلى معدات عالية التقنية مثل الأدوات الميكانيكية.  
صناعة النفط و
تحتاج المصانع إلى معدات عالية التقنية مثل الأدوات الميكانيكية.  



ماذا فعلنا؟

We offer the best

Consulting and training



The success of our company began as one person's dream; But it quickly became a dream for all its employees, which we all strive to achieve and develop in harmony and integration. All our respect and appreciation to all members of our work team, as they are the symbol of our continuity and development of our activities, confirming our keenness and adherence to our respect and friendship to our customers, who are partners in our success and companions of our distinction. We are also proud of our pride in the trust, cooperation, and support of our suppliers and the companies we represent. For us in all circumstances, and as a culmination of that, through work, perseverance, and sincerity, we have become one of the largest academies specialized in occupational safety and health that can be expanded in the coming stages in the Arab world. With continuous modernization and reliability in our dealings and the ability to develop fruitful working relationships for us and our customers in all directions, we look forward to opening more. From new markets throughout neighboring countries

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